Category Archives: Theresa May

The Theresa May Appeal & ‘Conservative’ Failures

This is a short piece I started recently. It is only one or two points about the agents mentioned in the title. I might add to it in future if I think of anything else I want to say, so feel free to check on it every now and then!

I remember in 2010 when The Telegraph wrote that Theresa May would be the rising star of the Conservative Party. May has been all over our telly screens and radios since then, notably for proposing a range of reforms and guide lines which grabbed the attention of the nation and gave a wonderful impression of a clear thinking senior MP. I see May as a particularly significant politician, mainly because she manages to achieve what Cameron does not. She manages to come across as a conservative Conservative with very little criticism. In fact, I think she would have made a better leader than Cameron, and perhaps soon will.

May has been at the centre of so many proposals in a wave of extraordinary propaganda to pretend that the Conservative party is serious about the reforms it boasts. She has been the perfect candidate for this web of deceit for two reasons. The first is that she has been unafraid to suggest controversial changes like the minimum earnings for migrants to bring their spouses to the UK, or suggesting leaving the European Union if the ECHR did not change in a way that would benefit Britain, but not the Commission. The second reason she has managed to do pull this stunt so well with encouragement and a lack of scorn from the public is that she is, undoubtedly, sexy.

This is not a joke, and it is not an attempt to woo Theresa May by means of cyber-flirtation; I’m convinced it has been done on purpose. She took on a diet and exercise regime, which did not escape the notice of Keith Vaz last year. She has lovely eyes and hair, she dresses elegantly and strides with confidence. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Theresa May is attractive. This is partly why she has managed to pose as someone who means business in the TV camera age. She looks the part and can make the statements which (the Tories seem to think) will win back their fleeting core support, and stop the Conservative voter’s exodus. Maybe this is the Hollywood influence sneaking its way into our political establishment. The PR consultants of the Conservative Party have gone to great lengths to ensure that May’s appearance strikes the delicate balance between sexy and classic to appeal to the modernity which our society reeks of. Personally, I think they would have been better off spending their time worrying about what they say, think and believe in. This is just an appeal to the superficial, an example of sexual power over opponents… Or maybe I’m just getting carried away, you decide.

The problem she, and her party, will continue to face however is the fact that they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. For example, having to earn £18,600 as an EU migrant to bring a loved on to the UK was a very poor attempt to show that despite the claims of critics, the Conservative party can take on the EU and is cracking down on people’s concerns over the amount of immigration the UK has seen. Now, what stronger piece of evidence could there be that this party knows not how to approach these contentious issues? First of all, the party’s leader is, and always has been massively in favour of our EU membership. It is not however, the job of a conservative politician to be in favour of the European Union, we have a Labour party which has done that very well. This leaves the Eurosceptics in a difficult position, as they have nobody (other than the two UKIP MPs who have had no impact other than their initial headline shocks) to speak on their behalf.

Membership of a club with a very different view on movement of people, currency, regulation and judicial proceedings is not favoured by anybody who is truly conservative. Not to mention, the measures proposed by May are very poor ways of tackle mass immigration. Who told these people that the way to do this is by being nasty and discriminating against EU citizens who want to come and work here? It seems obvious that to take out its frustration over immigration on individuals is a very poor solution; you are either in the EU or out, you cannot start trying to rearrange the rules in your favour at the expense of migrants.

I’d like to go over this in a little bit more detail, as this is why the Conservative Party is losing support all the time. It does not know what its core voters think. They have been confused and had their little brains warped by the constant figures showing that usually around 80% of the people want to reduce immigration. They have seen the increase in support for UKIP. The problem is that they know that little about the problem that they think everybody must be against migrants, when in fact they are not. They are against mass immigration, it’s perfectly simple. This though is why they have decided to, in a feat of obscene cruelty, discriminate against individual migrants putting them at an economic disadvantage even though they are perfectly reasonable and allowed to come here under the Free Movement of People EU cornerstone. But hey, it gives the impression that we have a government who won’t stand by and watch whilst its public become more dissatisfied with mass immigration, but will act on it with immediate results. How more out of touch could a party be? Its voters are annoyed about immigration (i.e. the immigration policy itself) and a confused party thinks this means it has to tackle individual immigrants… The mind boggles.

Anyway, the question is this. Is one outwardly modified politician enough to regain and retain support for a dying party which is no longer capable of achieving a majority? It does not follow that I seek to discredit Theresa May’s achievements, after all it is good to see one of the few female politicians rising so high in the ranks, as it hasn’t escaped our attention that the minds of capable women seem to be a much neglected asset of our political parties. Still, I am uncertain of the results the Conservative Party will achieve from their strategy of amplifying May’s nature in an ill-guided attempt to restore their own foundations.